Address: 17100 Collins Ave., #213 Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
If you recently had a tooth extraction at Sunny Isles Dental, you may wonder if a bone graft is needed afterward. At Sunny Isles Dental, we specialize in providing our patients the highest level of care and may recommend a bone graft to protect your teeth and jawbone health. A bone graft after tooth extraction helps restore the tooth socket and prevents future bone loss. This procedure is intended to provide a strong and healthy foundation for replacement teeth and also helps prevent long-term bone or jaw damage. Our experienced dentists will assess your unique situation to determine if a bone graft is needed and how it should be performed. Contact Sunny Isles Dental today to learn more about bone graft after tooth extraction.
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Address: 17100 Collins Ave., #213 Sunny Isles Beach, FL 33160
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