
Y&H Associates

Address: 4340 N Eagle Rock Blvd, Eagle Rock, CA 90041

About Y&H Associates

Yarijanian & Hovsepian, personal injury attorneys serving Southern California, specialize in helping clients seek justice and recover compensation. With a proven track record of successful cases, they passionately advocate for clients’ rights, no matter the situation. Their deep expertise in personal injury law, combined with a client-first approach, ensures personalized, compassionate representation. Whether navigating complex legal battles or negotiating settlements, Yarijanian & Hovsepian provide dedicated legal services with empathy, diligence, and respect. If you’ve been wronged, they stand ready to fight for your rights and guide you through the legal process to achieve the best possible outcome.

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Y&H Associates

Address: 4340 N Eagle Rock Blvd, Eagle Rock, CA 90041

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  • Contact name Y&H Associates
  • Contact number 8884991582
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